Examination - определение. Что такое Examination
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Что (кто) такое Examination - определение

Examine; Examination (disambiguation)

Inspection, observation.
Inquiry, search, research, scrutiny, investigation, inquisition.
Trial by questions (in order to elicit truth or to test qualifications), test.
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
An examination is a formal test that you take to show your knowledge or ability in a particular subject, or to obtain a qualification. (FORMAL)
= exam
see also examine
n. 1) the questioning of a witness by an attorney. Direct examination is interrogation by the attorney who called the witness, and cross-examination is questioning by the opposing attorney. A principal difference is that an attorney putting questions to his own witness cannot ask "leading" questions, which put words in the mouth of the witness or suggest the answer, while on cross-examination he/she can pose a question that seems to contain an answer or suggest language for the witness to use or agree to. 2) in bankruptcy, the questions asked of a debtor by the judge, trustee in bankruptcy, attorneys or even creditors, to determine the state of the debtor's affairs. 3) in criminal law, a preliminary examination is a hearing before a judge or other magistrate to determine whether a defendant charged with a felony should be held for trial. Usually this is held by a lower court and if there is any substantial evidence to show a felony has been committed by the defendant he/she is bound over to the appropriate court for trial, but otherwise the charge will be dismissed by the judge. See also: bankruptcy cross-examination direct examination testimony witness



Examination may refer to:

  • Physical examination, a medical procedure
  • Questioning and more specific forms thereof, for example in law:
    • Cross-examination
    • Direct examination
  • Exam as assessment, also "test", "exams", "evaluation"
    • Civil service entrance examination
      • Imperial examination
Примеры произношения для Examination
1. examination.
Karma and The Making of Champions _ Sai Prasad _ Talks at Google
2. resist Thomas' inquisitive examination
A Beautiful Question _ Frank Wilczek _ Talks at Google
3. needs some examination.
The End of the End of the Earth _ Jonathan Franzen _ Talks at Google
4. Careful examination shows
5. high-tech, accurate examination,
Примеры употребления для Examination
1. The cross–examination of Arnon was completed, and the examination and cross–examination of Piotrkowsky began.
2. Ganguly attributed the better result this year to the examination reforms introduced in the examination.
3. Inappropriate examination After carrying out an inappropriate examination he rubbed her breast over her jumper and made the ‘titties‘ remark.
4. There would be no board’s examination of 'th class in 2006 and the school would conduct their own examination.
5. Under cross–examination, defense attorney Theodore V.